Chef & Stew Club: Meet and Greet



At Culinary Convenience, we continuously strive to build community. Our goal is to provide a space where food enthusiasts, home cooks, and culinary professionals can come together to share their passion for all things culinary. Below are two of our weekly events: Check them out & Join Us!
Join us for the exciting Chef's Club Meet and Greet event, happening every Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM!
This is a fantastic opportunity for chefs of all levels to come together, meet other passionate culinary enthusiasts, and explore valuable connections within the industry. 
Do not miss out on this unique chance to expand your network and immerse yourself in our delightful community of like-minded individuals.
Wine, Beer, and Finger Food will be served.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Join us for the exciting Stew Club Bubbles & Bites event, happening every Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM!
This is an amazing opportunity for stewards and stewardesses of all levels to come together, meet other passionate individuals in the yachting industry, and explore valuable connections. 
It's an ideal setting to exchange tips, tricks, and experiences with like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for excellence in yachting service.
Wine, Beer, and Finger Food will be served.



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